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Information and Disclosure Statement on the Protection of Your Personal Data

As Dermo Grup E-Commerce Industry and Trade Inc., we prioritize the security of the personal data you share with our company. We are committed to processing and protecting your personal data in compliance with the law. This Disclosure Statement is provided to you in accordance with Article 10 of Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (the “Law”).

When you submit your feedback, complaints, or requests through the website (“Website” or “Internet Site”) or via the “contact” button, you are considered a data subject. Below, we outline your personal data collected by our company in the capacity of “data controller,” along with the purposes for which they are collected and other relevant information.

What Are Your Personal Data?

Your personal data refers to information that identifies or can identify you. In line with the purposes of processing your personal data, the following personal data is collected by us:

Requested data: Name, Email Address, Phone Number

Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

This button is used to provide information about the product, address your questions, comments, or complaints, and to give you insight into the product before purchase. The data processing purposes include:

Sending commercial, administrative, informative, and/or reminder emails about new and/or existing features added to our content and services, and conducting promotional, advertising, and similar activities related to the products and services we offer,

Sending information or notifications about computer program format products via email,

Answering your questions and providing an effective user experience,

Providing information

about new services,

Contacting the user when necessary,

Performing and improving operational activities such as business development, marketing, and communication, and enhancing user experience, including detecting and preventing fraudulent or illegal activities to ensure the security of our services,

Protecting the legal rights of customers and third parties and preventing criminal activities,

Solving technical problems and improving the quality of services.

Processing and Transfer of Personal Data

Our company may transfer your personal data within the scope of the Law and other relevant legislation to domestic and authorized individuals and organizations, including regulatory and supervisory institutions and other official entities authorized to request personal data.

Method and Legal Basis of Collecting Personal Data

Your personal data is collected based on the following legal reasons: Compliance with legal obligations, the necessity of processing for the establishment, exercise, or protection of a right.

Your Rights Regarding the Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law, you have the right to:

Learn whether your personal data is being processed,

Request information if your personal data has been processed,

Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose,

Know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, domestically or internationally,

Request correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data,

Request deletion or destruction of your personal data under the conditions set forth in Article 7 of the Law,

Request that any corrections, deletions, or destructions be communicated to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

Object to any unfavorable outcome arising from the exclusive analysis of your personal data by automated systems,

Request compensation for damages suffered due to unlawful processing of your personal data.

You can submit your requests related to the implementation of the Law and any questions regarding your personal data in writing to our address at Alaplı Organized Industrial Zone, 3rd Street No:14, Alaplı / Zonguldak / Turkey (via notary, registered mail, etc.) or to with a copy of your identification.